“I couldn't live a week without a private library
- indeed, I'd part with all my furniture and squat and sleep on the floor
before I'd let go of the 1500 or so books I possess.” ― H.P. Lovecraft

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Ahhhhh... I feel better.

I just got my car back from the shop where it had a major overhaul on the brakes. How in the hell I wore out something that I hardly ever use I'll never fucking know. And I just fixed them 15 years ago too.

So yeah, I saw the Saddam thing. How could I not? It's getting only slightly less media coverage than American Idol.

What do I think? Do I advocate the death penalty in this case? Shit, I almost ALWAYS advocate the death penalty. I advocate the death penalty for Puff Daddy, why not Saddam?

Anyways, so much has been said about Saddam that anything I say at this point would be redundant. I do like the way they put it on the daily show though: "Finally we've captured the guy that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11".

But here's something that's really pissing me off; reality TV. I know I've ranted about this before. Hell, I've gone off on it more than once, but it steadfastly refuses to die.

See, I passionately hate reality TV. I'll grant you there have been a couple that I have been able to stomach. It's the monkeys with typewriters theory, only I expect that a bunch of monkeys could come up with better shit than say, Elimidate. (God that fucking show sucks ass...) It also helps that they're on the Discovery Channel. (Or, in the case of the Osbournes, on MTV, but I only watch them on DVD since I also hate MTV.)

So I had a simple solution to this problem: I DIDN'T FUCKING WATCH THEM. This, however, brought about a new problem. Seems EVERYONE ELSE watches them and they won't shut the fuck up about them! Who the FUCK is Clay Aiken? Why do I keep hearing his name? I don't know who he is; I don't wanna know who the fuck he is. Why the blue hell do people have to constantly bring him up in conversation? Why does everyone that has a TV show have to make jokes about them? They're ruining my non-reality-based programming!

Fuck Clay Aiken! Fuck that Rueben what's-his-fucking-name! And FUCK REALITY TV!!!

That is, till the Running Man becomes a real show...

You know it's coming.

Yes, because of all the pinheads out there eating this shit up there will come a day when everyone will be on a reality show. I'm sorry, if my 15 minutes of fame involve Ashton Kutcher in any way, I don't want them. Let Kutcher keep them. He'll be needing them soon enough.


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